Auto-Explore In Roguelikes

  “Auto-Explore” is a feature that is common to many major (or complete?) roguelikes. It is not required, but it is often desired. But why? Isn’t exploration one of the key components of the game? Discovery! But sometimes players become indifferent, or impatient, and just want something exciting to happen. That’s where auto-explore comes in. Press…

Awesome #Gamedev Weeks!

Progress It has been a great couple of weeks for Approaching Infinity! So many little features have been added. Things that have been crying for attention, or sitting quietly waiting to be noticed. Officers can now actually join away teams, and they can be killed if the team is lost! Alien Diseases now spread among…

AI Beta 02

Approaching Infinity Beta 02 Has been released! February was all about doing the major quests that are presented to you by the intelligent alien races you meet in the game. Four of those races provide new victory conditions (Vordalene, Bankers, Firaxughinians, Monks). Quest lines that don’t end the game have a tendency to loop, providing…